"Me and U?" No, It's Just You

First of all, the shit was so loud, I heard it from two blocks away, and the girl had the nerve to have the cell phone about 4 inches from her ear. Like, ummm.. are you deaf? Second, just because you saw some dorks running around with MP3 theme songs in a Verizon commercial, it doesn't mean that you have to go and look like a fool in real life. It didn't matter how much of her ass or breasts were showing; it really wasn't cute.
And then... here's the kicker. By the time she got close to me, the song had ended, so, she stopped, got her phone, pressed a button, and the song played again. Apparently, it was now safe for her to strut again.
I would love to tell you all that this is the first time that I've seen this, but it really isn't. In the past two weeks alone, I've seen six girls walking around in the same way, with the same exact song. ALL of them probably thought that they were unique.
So, in the 80's, we had people walking around, strutting with boomboxes on their shoulders. In the 00's, we got cell phones. It makes you wonder what other technology will come out 20 years from now that will allow peanutheads to contribute to noise pollution with played-out songs...
I'm sure she looked like a big idiot and didn't even know it.
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