In about 12 hours, I'll be making the drive back up to Syracuse. Officially, my Spring Break is over, and well, it's been fun. I was able to see a bunch of old friends back in the city, did some work, and just rested up for the 6-week sprint to finals that I'm going start on Monday.
So, back to work! (Grrrrrr.)
Only six weeks left and you'll be free!! Is this the appropriate place to say that you seem to have lost a lot of your audience. :-(
Well, my blogging buddies seem to have moved on, but people in the Cuse are still checking it out. Either way, I don't care if I have an audience or not. It's all for me, anyways.
Not to mention, Blogger tends to attract an older user base, and most people search for blogs that are written by people in their own age range. I'm sure that when people see my profile and see that I'm 22, (and Latino) they keep it movin', incorrectly assuming that A) I can't write for shit, and B) I have nothing of value to offer.
Whatever. I don't care. I'm still here. I'd much rather have an older audience, anyway, then have an audience filled with pre-pubescent teens on a site like MySpace or Xanga.
I checked out MySpace, it's caca. Pre-pubescents aren't the only ones that don't have something meaningful to say. There were loads of sites made up by guys that had nothing but pics of half naked "friends" posting. If I was surfing MySpace looking to date somebody, I'd be like next . . .
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