Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sign It Already!!

Yesterday, I was finally given the opportunity at work to start making major money. After a week of lead generation over the phone, the firm gave me a chance to start busting out new accounts and getting my commissions up and running. So, how did I do? Well, by the firm's standards, I did incredibly well, but by my own, I fell short. I wanted to be able to walk out the office with money in my pocket as a result of completed contracts, but instead, I was only able to get people just verbally agree to the terms I set for them; I need them to sign faxed-over contracts on their end in order to seal the deal. Today, I got some more contracts sent out to potential customers, but thus far, I haven't gotten a single one to sign. I swear, I just want to fucking slap these people with my phone and be like, "hurry up, bitch and sign this fucking contract!!! Grow some fucking balls!!!!" Man, these guys need to get with the program. I got bills to pay, homie, and I need to get the ball rolling on my whole "debt-free in a year" plan. Grrr.

With everyday that I spend in this place, I feel that I'm changing, little by little. I feel like I'm actually becoming more aggressive, more straight to the point. I remember last week, during one of my little chats with the bosses, I was told that I'd start to notice little changes here and there, like I'd start winning the remote control more and more or I'd tell more people to play "hide and go fuck themself." (hard to imagine me doing that anymore than I already have) Now, I don't know about the whole "remote control" thing, especially considering I've got my own television set to use at my own leisure, but I do notice that I've begun to regard every conversation I have with strangers in the same manner that I would treat a conversation with a potential customer over the phone: like a game. A game of words and delivery, to be exact. It's kind of hard to explain, but let's just say that I can steer conversations to just about anywhere I want them to... certainly a useful skill to have as a single, 20-something male in New York City... ;-)

. . . . .

We had an interesting scare today, though it certainly turned out to be rather tragic. We got word around 2 o'clock in the afternoon that an airplane hit a building in Manhattan... and being that my office is about two blocks away from the hole in the ground we call the World Trade Center, naturally, people assumed the worst. Thankfully, the plane crash wasn't anything even remotely close to anything that happened on 9/11, but it was certainly tragic, nonetheless. Cory Lidle, a Yankee pitcher, was flying a small plane and crashed it into a high-rise condo buidling on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, killing himself and one other person in the process. It really is a horrible tragedy, and something that, in this city obsessed with baseball stats, trades, and championships, really reminds us all about what's really important.

On a lighter note, one of my co-workers was in the middle of a pitch with a customer over the phone, and mentioned to the customer, "man, I'm sitting here, pitching you this product, scared out of my mind, because a plane just crashed into a building in New York, but yet, you know why I'm still here? Because I care about my cusotmers! So, buy our product. You won't be disappointed."

Ah yes. Just another day in the Boiler Room.

Oh, and FYI... the customer didn't buy the BS. I guess New Yorkers used up the "sympathy juice" a long time ago.


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