Thursday, April 20, 2006

Happy 4/20 Day!!!

While 3/4's of the people on campus will either be lighting up a blunt, hitting a bong, eating "brownies," playing hookie, or any combination of the aforementioned activities (and ALL denying that there was even a such thing as a "4/20 day"), I will be spending it in class, and in the darkroom, doing more work. But, don't let my misery get in the way of your politically charged fun. Have fun today. That is, if you get down with Mary Jane. :-)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter! Have fun with your families, friends, and anyone else who you might spend time with on this day, provided you celebrate the day.

While most of my friends and family are off on some random egg hunt or church ceremony/dinner, I'll be in the SU darkroom, getting pictures developed for a huge crit tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Here We Go Again...

With two and a half weeks left in the semester, it's that time of the year again for me. CRUNCH time. It's this time of the year when I have more things to complete on my "to do" list than I can count on my hands and toes, and ALL are due within just a few days. It fucking sucks.

Wish me luck as I attempt to get all my work done now, before finals time gets here. Blaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Re-introducing... "Press Start to Play"

Way back in August, I announced my plans to start a new blog dedicated to video gaming. Well, after 7 months, it's finally happened, and this time, it's for real. I reintroduce all of you to "Press Start to Play," the gaming blog dedicated to entertaining gaming fans all over the world with stories, reviews, features, and movies. If you are a gaming fan, this blog is for you. Check it out by clicking on the link below:

Press Start to Play

I hope ya'll like it! Make sure you RSS feed it!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Cheeky Bastard

Man, what the hell happened to Lindsay Lohan? It was only two years ago when she actually looked good. Hell, she was even close to being "Crush of the Month" material. Now, she just looks really sick.

And judging from the picture below, apparently, so do her butt cheeks:

During the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards, Ms. Lohan had the nerve to get up on stage and reveal her freckled asscheeks to hundreds of screaming prepubescent kids present in the audience. Now normally, I never pass up the opportunity to compliment a "wardrobe malfunction" like this one, but in this case, I find myself gagging at the thought of seeing her bony cheeks in person. Like I said, a couple of years ago, show me her buttcheeks, and I'll be all over them, but now, ummm... no.

I wonder... is she even wearing underwear? That's an even more disgusting thought.

Shouts to for the images, lol
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