Damn, Can I Just ENJOY Having a Car?
And someone already has broken into it. Ain't that a bitch? Some dick apparently thought it would be a good idea to smash a side window and break into my car. They thought they were going to score an iPod and a DV camera, but all they got was a cheap little charger and a 20 dollar bag. Nothing more. I was surprised that with a wack pull like that, that they would've also taken the change I have for tolls n such too, but alas, the thieves had a conscience. And they also broke the smallest window they possibly could, too. Ain't that so sweet of them?
Fucking assholes.
I have the slightest feeling that it was my neighbors from downstairs. We've been getting into heated rhetoric over parking spaces behind the house, and I think that they've been getting peeved because I'm taking a spot that is rightfully mine. If I find out that they are the ones responsible for breaking into my car, I'm going to fucking have a field day in their house...
They fail to realize that I have the key to their apartment...
But I'm not rushing to conclusions just yet. Key word is "Yet..."
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So get this, I try to call the police to file a report, right, and I asked SU's Public Safety if they knew what the non-emergency number was for the Syracuse PD. This woman snidely told me, "9-1-1. That's what it's for." Now first of all, maybe someone else can explain this to me, but since when did 9-1-1 become the place to call for a non-emergency situation like a car break-in? But whatever, I digress. So I called up the number on my cell phone, and low and behold I got through...but to the 9-1-1 center in NYC!!! I live 300 miles north of the city...what the hell is that going to do for me!? Because of the fact that I have a NYC area code on my cell phone, my calls are automatically routed to NYC's 911 center. No matter where I'm at in the world. What if I was being attacked in Syracuse? Or being lynched in Texas? It doesn't make sense. I don't understand why my calls just don't go to the local 911 board. Now, I have to find a payphone somewhere to make a 911 phone call. I find the thought of that highly disturbing...